Event closing - A whirlwind adventure...

Are your shins up for the Challenge?

Shin Splints - Three Exercises to Eradicate the Pain.

John-Wayne Hughes
John-Wayne Hughes
Foot care, running techniques, event preperation, AdvanceSRM

ONE OF THE GREAT THINGS THAT came from the 2016 Clanfield Challenge was that the Clanfield Joggers were able to use some of the funds raised to set up a local 'Couch to 5K programme' (C25K). This course made it possible for a good number of people to experience an activity that has enabled them to make positive steps towards a healthy and active lifestyle, while giving them the opportunity to socialise and have fun.

Over the past couple of years, I have come to appreciate that for many of us the idea of entering an event like the Clanfield Challenge is the last thing we'd ever dream of doing. The excuses we tell ourselves include, 'I hate running', 'I'm too old for that sort of thing', 'my knees are knackered', 'I'd rather walk on hot coals than run a 5k' and although each of these are legitimate excuses they are all ways of avoiding an opportunity to realise the incredible health benefits this could have by just walking in the event.

Shin splints

OK! So what the hell does this have to do with your SHINS? I hear you ask. Well, the fact is that for anyone looking to walk or run at least 5K, preparing your body effectively is essential. Too many people undertake a 'C25K' programme and within weeks find that they are in pieces and the likely reason for them giving up on such a brilliant way to get fit is because, like many things in life such a programme isn't a perfect fit and might be too aggressive for them.

This does not mean they should give up, what this actually means is that many people need to go through a period of toughening-up of the soft-tissues before being able to run discomfort free. Especially, if the couch is the only exercise the legs have seen in recent years. A common problem for new runners is shin splints (clinically referred to as medial tibial stress syndrome). One way of preparing the shins for overcoming the pains associated with the demands of a C25K is presented in the video below. The exercises included are not meant to be a definitive guide to all recommended remedial exercises for shin splints but are rather a selection of some of the better exercises. Why not give them a go by including them in a daily warm-up routine and by doing so you might just find that your journey to 5K picks up a pace and your legs begin to feel less pain or fatigue as they become accustomed to being CHALLENGED.

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Shin Splints - Three Exercises to Eradicate the Pain.

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms or complaints described in the video and would like assistance with your ailments don't hesitate to get in touch with AdvanceSRM.

All the the best with your preparations and I shall look forward to seeing you make the most of your 'HAPPY SHINS' on the big day.

J-W. Hughes.

Our race supporters

We'd like to thank all our supporters for their donations, help with organisation and sponsorship.

About the race

The Clanfield Challenge is made up of 5 individual race routes - a 20 kilometre, 12 kilometre, 5 kilometre, 2 kilometre and 1 kilometre race. All are based in Clanfield, Hampshire and the money generated by the races are to be used to fund local community projects in and around the Clanfield area. So, read on, sign up and support your local community!

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