Event closing - A whirlwind adventure...

9 week running course comes to Clanfield

The next couch to 5k course is arriving in Clanfield soon.

Ken Finlay
Ken Finlay
Couch to 5k, Clanfield Joggers, news, Ken Finlay

Couch to 5k

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Come and join the couch to 5k course being held in Clanfield from March 8th 2017. This is ideal for beginners and those wanting to run as a group under the supervision of coach Suzy Walker and Clanfield Joggers.

The end of the course is timed so that you can enter the Clanfield Challenge 5k Race on Sunday May 14th.

Couch to 5k Clanfield

Contact Suzy now to reserve your place.

Our race supporters

We'd like to thank all our supporters for their donations, help with organisation and sponsorship.

About the race

The Clanfield Challenge is made up of 5 individual race routes - a 20 kilometre, 12 kilometre, 5 kilometre, 2 kilometre and 1 kilometre race. All are based in Clanfield, Hampshire and the money generated by the races are to be used to fund local community projects in and around the Clanfield area. So, read on, sign up and support your local community!

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