Event closing - A whirlwind adventure...

Clanfield Online

We're a volunteer organisation of residents and business owners looking to improve links with and communication between all in the local area.

With an estimated 300 homes added to the village over the last 2-3 years (and more to come), Clanfield Online has been setup to ensure that existing and new residents are engaged with their local area. Our key aim is to bring our local community together...

For many residents, we feel they may not be aware that there is an incredible resource of local community groups and businesses (we estimate over 100 shop front, limited and self employed organisations) giving individuals and families access to leisure, services, education, products and well, simply everything they could need on their doorstep.

Within our area there are over 50 different social groups which meet at a variety of locations bringing individuals, couples, families and the community closer together.

Clanfield Online seeks to:

  • Improve the look of Clanfield through improvements to flowerbeds, highways, gardens, signage and through litter picking;
  • Fund and run events such as the Clanfield Challenge;
  • Provide a regularly updated site and social platforms to promote community news;
  • Promote businesses running in the local community and encourage residents to use them;
  • Provide community organisations with another location to provide information on their groups; 
  • Openly promote community inspired events running in our local area; and,
  • Improve the communications and links of all residents in the local area 

You can find out more about us by visiting the Clanfield Online website.

Clanfield Online

Some of Clanfield Online's achievements

Although we are a small group, with limited numbers and limited time, we have made some great progress in the last 18 months. Just some of our achievements include:Setup and populated the Clanfield Online website and directory

  • Setup and populated the Clanfield Online website
    Our site now benefits from over 11,000 unique visitors each year, looking at over 59,000 pages of content. 66% of our annual traffic is new, which shows that the site is continually growing (as is our local population). This is without doubt thanks to the efforts of our Volunteers who spend many hours a week sourcing local news and events and keeping the site (and social posts) up to date.
  • Over 30 businesses signed up to Clanfield Online
    Did you know that over 30 businesses in the area are annually funding activities and work within your community to help support individuals, groups and events - perhaps its time that we all returned the favour?
  • Over 20 community groups signed up to Clanfield Online
    Although free for community groups to join, we are proud that so many local organisations have come forward to share their news, events and information for locals to learn more about
  • Drift Road Shops Roundabout Project
    Volunteers from Clanfield Online and the South Downs National Park spent their valuable time clearing the roundabout and placing Clanfield Online signage to help improve the look of this forgotten about patch.
  • Clanfield Co-op Flowerbeds
    With dual sponsorship, volunteers from Clanfield Online, Clanfield Coop, South Downs National Park and Clanfield Greening, new flowerbeds have been put in by the Co-op car park to provide colour in Spring and Summer.
  • Memorial Hall Bed Clearance
    Volunteers from Clanfield Online cleared and weeded the beds at the Memorial Hall ready for new plants next year.
  • Petersgate School Support
    We provided volunteer support and funding for assistance with the Petersgate School Pond Clearing project

Visit Clanfield Online

Clanfield Online

Our race supporters

We'd like to thank all our supporters for their donations, help with organisation and sponsorship.

About the race

The Clanfield Challenge is made up of 5 individual race routes - a 20 kilometre, 12 kilometre, 5 kilometre, 2 kilometre and 1 kilometre race. All are based in Clanfield, Hampshire and the money generated by the races are to be used to fund local community projects in and around the Clanfield area. So, read on, sign up and support your local community!

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